During Christmas Holiday we visited my in-laws in Ghent (Belgium). Ghent is a lovely historical city and I always love it to loaf about the streets and watch people, do some windowshopping and hop in a little bistro for lunch or diner.
Lovely Belgian Linen and lace.............
And of course I bought some yarn at the best Yarn store of Ghent, "Stoffenidee". You can see some pictures at a the blog of colleague-blogger called Yarnlot who lives in Ghent. I bought myself some Noro yarn. Everyone seems to love it so I have to try it myself. I love the colours. I also bought a skein of Araucania, 3 skeins of Hacho (I adore them!) and 2 very special spools of a camel hair and silk mixture from Bart&Francis. In a local bookshop I found a lovely book about knitting flowers.
For my birthday last december (I turned 41 on the last day of the year!) my DH gave me this Yarn Swift. I still ask myself if it is really my present because he doesn't have to sit with me for hours to help me wind my skeins anymore :P But I'm still very happy with it!
After all those days of snow and dark days (and having the flu twice this winter) I needed a touch of spring and bought myself these bluish purple primulas. Every year when I see these lovely flowers on my table I know that spring is not far away.
Have a nice Sunday!
O wat fijn deze bijdrage over Gent! Misschien ontmoeten we elkaar eens de volgende keer...