I long to see the first signs of spring but it really is still winter, we had snow, agian. Sometimes we have winters with hardly any snow (quite normal in the Netherlands) but this winter we had snow since december the 17th and each time when it is melting and we think it is really gone now, it starts snowing again. We had our full share now. It makes the world look quiet and peaceful but enough is enouh! I wanna see the sun again and go out for long walks without the risk of falling over and over again. It was a perfect time for knitting though.

During Christmas Holiday we visited my in-laws in Ghent (Belgium). Ghent is a lovely historical city and I always love it to loaf about the streets and watch people, do some windowshopping and hop in a little bistro for lunch or diner.

Lovely Belgian Linen and lace.............

And of course I bought some yarn at the best Yarn store of Ghent, "Stoffenidee". You can see some pictures at a the blog of colleague-blogger called
Yarnlot who lives in Ghent. I bought myself some Noro yarn. Everyone seems to love it so I have to try it myself. I love the colours. I also bought a skein of Araucania, 3 skeins of Hacho (I adore them!) and 2 very special spools of a camel hair and silk mixture from
Bart&Francis. In a local bookshop I found a lovely book about knitting flowers.

For my birthday last december (I turned 41 on the last day of the year!) my DH gave me this Yarn Swift. I still ask myself if it is really my present because he doesn't have to sit with me for hours to help me wind my skeins anymore :P But I'm still very happy with it!

After all those days of snow and dark days (and having the flu twice this winter) I needed a touch of spring and bought myself these bluish purple primulas. Every year when I see these lovely flowers on my table I know that spring is not far away.

Have a nice Sunday!